In 1972, IBM introduced the current version of the logotype. Designed by Paul Rand, horizontal stripes now replaced the solid letters to suggest "speed and dynamism." In the intervening quarter-century, the basic design has remained constant, one of the most recognized logotypes in the world, and a design that has been widely imitated by others.
The IBM logo consists of horizontal stripes which are representative of the speed and dynamism, the esteemed corporate image and goodwill of the company. The company name ‘IBM’ is highlighted fashionably, using capitalized block lettering to demonstrate authority.
The blue shade is used in the IBM logo. Blue, is often used for corporate logos, as it projects the strength and dominance of the company and gives a distinctive quality to the logo.
The IBM logo consists of a simple but unforgettable font style. The letters are inscribed in a bold font which is a depiction the decent attribute of the company and its products. The letters in the logo are formed with horizontal bars which enhance the beauty of the logo.
As stated in their brand guidelines IBM exclusively use the typeface Helvetica Neue claiming “It never attempts to outshine the content; instead it holds, displays and organizes information with intentional neutrality. It is a typeface that doesn’t just say one thing, it says everything.”
IBM colours are vibrant and optimistic, the palette consists of eight core colours, 80 full-spectrum colours and an array of neutrals. The colours support digital displays and maximum colour contrast. According to the IBM brand guidelines one of their most important elements is using contract is type, colour, etc.
Brand Guidelines:
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